This two-day workshop covers the fundamentals of the individual therapy mode of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. Led by expert DBT trainers, the content includes orientation and commitment to DBT, the conceptualisation of emotion dysregulation and high risk behaviours using DBT's biosocial theory, treatment targeting, structuring and navigating an individual session, including orientation to the using a diary card and the rationale for it as well as use of chain and solution analysis to reduce high risk behaviours that get in the way of people attaining a life they experience as worth living.
DBT is a comprehensive treatment that specifies individual therapy, skills training groups, generalization strategies and a consultation team. This course is most suitable for those working in comprehensive DBT and delivering the individual mode of treatment. It will also be relevant to other mental health professionals who want to learn and apply the strategies of DBT in their individual work with multiple high-risk problems relating to emotion dysregulation. This course does not focus on the specific skills taught in DBT which are covered in our Skills Essential training.
We are offering this training online via Zoom. This will allow us to provide the training without travel costs and also model how to effectively offer elements of the treatment remotely. We have experience in delivering DBT trainings and therapy sessions remotely, and are committed to making this an engaging, rich, and interactive experience.
Please note we will not record the training as it is an interactive web-based training (not a webinar) which may include health-related information. Participants must agree to the ‘no recording’ policy and join from a private space where confidentiality can be maintained.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the DBT biosocial model
- Understand how the individual therapy session is organized and conducted in DBT
- Decide what to prioritise first in treatment according to the DBT target hierarchy
- Learn how to teach, coach and rehearse new behaviour in session
- Know how to assess and problem-solve high-risk behaviours within a DBT treatment frame
Training Level
- This is a beginning to intermediate level training.
$495 (GST inclusive).
Are you a healthcare student?
We offer a 30% discount for a limited number of students enrolled in a mental health related qualification with an Australian University or similar tertiary healthcare program in Australia. If you are eligible, please contact us with a photo copy of your student ID and we’ll provide a student discount code for your registration.
Dr Carla Walton is Service Director of the Centre for Psychotherapy, a specialist service for Borderline Personality Disorder and Eating Disorders within Hunter New England Mental Health Service in Australia. She has been involved in treatment provision to persons with Borderline Personality Disorder using DBT, in both public and private sectors in Australia for the past 15 years. Carla is the principal investigator on a large-scale randomized clinical trial of DBT and a psychodynamic therapy, the Conversational Model. She is a member of Marsha Linehan’s annual DBT Strategic Planning Meeting at the University of Washington. She has provided training and consultation in Borderline Personality Disorder and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy throughout public and private sector services throughout Australia. Her main research interests lie in the fields of Borderline Personality Disorder and translational research.
Dr Emily Cooney is a clinical psychologist who has worked in the US, the UK, and New Zealand with children and adults in a range of inpatient and outpatient settings, with a particular focus on DBT. She is a senior lecturer at Otago University and an assistant professor adjunct at the Yale School of Medicine, where she co-directed the DBT and DBT for substance use disorder teams within an Intensive Outpatient Program. Emily served as a research therapist on two trials of DBT under Dr Marsha Linehan, and was the principal investigator on two DBT feasibility trials in New Zealand. One examined DBT for self-harming adolescents, and the other trialed DBT skills training for men with anger-related problems. She provides training and consultation in DBT via Behavioral Tech as well as DBTNZ, and her current research focusses on whānau-oriented intervention and research for people experiencing family violence and suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
9.00am until 4.30pm (Sydney / Melbourne time) daily. Join from 8.50am on the first day.
This is an online training - we will send personalised Zoom links nearer the time.