
DBT Training Australia training currently avilable:

DBT Case Formulation: Matching goals to targets

Monday 4th November 2024, 2:30pm –4:00pm (Sydney/Melbourne Time)

An online training focusing on the key aspect of DBT formulations, identifying and prioritising therapy targets and ensuring these are based on the person's goals for their life.

Registrations close on 1 November 2024. Click here for more info and to register online.

DBT Skills Essentials - November 2024 - Online training

Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November 2024

This two-day web-based training covers the fundamentals of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills as well as how to set up teach skills (in individual sessions and groups) and overcome some common skills group problems.

Registrations close on 1 November 2024. Click here for more info and to register online.

DBT Training Australia consultations currently avilables:

Specialist DBT Team Case Consultation

A two-hour remote DBT case consultation for you and your team, lead by one of our DBT experts.

Click here for more info and to register online.

Previous DBT Training Australia trainings:

DBT Skills Essentials - May 2024 - Online training

Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th May 2024

Family sessions in DBT: Where to start?

Wednesday 17th April 2024 10am –11:30am (Sydney/Melbourne Time)

An Introduction to the DBT PE Protocol for PTSD with Melanie Harned

Monday March 11, 2024, 11am - 3pm (Sydney/Melbourne Time)

DBT Intensive training

13-17 November 2023 and 20-23 May 2024, Richmond

DBT Foundational training - November 2023

13-17 November 2023, Richmond

DBT Skills Essentials - September 2023 - Online training

Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd September 2023

Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy- August 2023 - Online training

Friday 4th and Saturday 5th August 2023